Order clean fresh Maine Fiddleheads


Buy Maine Fiddleheads cleaned and picked fresh daily.

Fiddlehead harvesting is a Maine tradition that has its roots in Native American times. Many Mainers can recall the time-honored family tradition of fiddleheadin’ with their parents and grandparents, and it has become a cherished springtime ritual.

Fiddleheads are a delicious side, and a classic served at seafood dinners in Maine. Packed with vitamins and minerals, they are incredibly healthy too. The woodsy flavor is often described as being a combination of asparagus, spinach, and mushrooms combined.


*Fiddleheads will be shipped in a food grade styrofoam cooler with cold packs inside to keep fresh. We will be using a combination of USPS, UPS or Fedex to get your package their as quick as possible. Package should not be left outside in warm weather for an extended period of time for food safety concerns.  Fiddleheads should be boiled or steamed prior to consumption. Cooking instructions will be included.

After you place an order you will receive confirmation via email and a tracking number when your package ships.

*ORDERS OVER 10lbs PLEASE CONTACT US 207-852-7799*

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